
Ponderings from the middle of the bed…

Posted by on Oct 29, 2011 | 0 comments

The other night I was laying on my side of the bed and thought “What am I doing?” I have slept on this side for years….”Newsflash!!! You are single and can sleep wherever you please!” So, I moved to the middle of the bed in an act of bold independence. As I laid there pondering how difficult it can be for a single parent having to shoulder it all… I drifted off to sleep….only to dream that I was on a scooter (alone) carrying a box with all the things that matter most to me in one arm, while trying to desperately drive to my destination! I woke up and found myself back on my side of the bed and laughed. Really? I guess in the...

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Thoughts from the Mountain Top

Posted by on Oct 5, 2011 | 3 comments

There are Mountain Top experiences and then there are MOUNTAIN TOP Life Changing Moments….I guess I should start at the beginning. We give birth to these amazing children and from the time they cut the cord we have to start letting go. I know we, raise them, feed them, discipline them, laugh with them, cry with them, feel frustrated, worried and proud…we send them to grandma’s, pre-school, elementary, friends houses, middle school, camp, high school and college….Help them set up their first nests with towels, sheets, plates and cups….Parenthood is messy, wonderful, complicated, magical, stressful and the best gift given in my opinion....

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Life….don’t overlook it, live it daily.

Posted by on Sep 13, 2011 | 1 comment

Just got back from visiting a dear friend who was recently moved to a assisted living facility. He has ALS. If you have never had the opportunity to know someone with ALS stop right now and say a quick prayer of thanks. It is brutal and always wins. Because my friend really cannot communicate with me much anymore I just hugged him, held his hand and told him I loved him. I found that giving him a shoulder massages and rubbing his legs, arms and feet made him more comfortable from the nods and moans he gave me in return. It is so incredibly hard to wrap our human minds around someone never getting better, just worse, day by day. We are so hard wired to hope the next time...

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A picture speaks a thousand words….

Posted by on Aug 30, 2011 | 2 comments

The other day Grace, Jackson and I were looking at old photos that I have been throwing in a box for……years. We saw babies, birthdays, trips, school years, holidays, adventures, friends and family at all ages and then I saw this beautiful woman. She was young, skinny, beautiful, and full of life. It was me. YIKES!!! I thought to myself…Why did I not know, realize or grasp how beautiful I was back then? It hit me, most of us beat ourselves up all along the way, never quite happy with where we are in our bodies at any given moment. Never skinny enough, too many freckles, long nose, a tummy that has grown and shrunk with each childbirth…..the list...

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A bad moment or two, but not a BAD day.

Posted by on Aug 11, 2011 | 0 comments

Reading this new book by Regina Brett called, God Never Blinks. It had 50 short lessons for life’s little detours, something I am very familiar with…detours, wrong turns, back roads…. So, today I was at lesson 17. “You can get through anything life hands you IF you stay put in the day you are in and don’t jump ahead.” There were some great underline-able sentences (something I do to all my books) but the one that jumped out was, “No one really has a bad life. Not even a bad day. Just bad moments.” Love this, because as I was finishing up this lesson and out walked Gracie to announce….”Mom my stomach...

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Apples to Oranges…the fruit salad of life!

Posted by on Aug 8, 2011 | 0 comments

I found myself in the bathroom on Sunday getting ready for church and was thinking about this woman whom I admire and love. I had a moment and thought “Oh, to be her, to have her life!” You see I had a feeling she would not be at church,  but that she might be up in the NC mountains at her beautiful mountain home. I visualized her in the cool weather, playing, creating, drinking wine or coffee just hanging with her mountain friends while I was home, sweaty and hot. You know I always feel closer to Jesus in NC. She also has this sweet husband with whom she and he refer to each other as “ONE”, holding two fingers up pressed tightly together. Now I...

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