
You are Mine!

Posted by on Jul 28, 2011 | 4 comments

I was power walking with Sunshine this morning trying to get in shape to be the “Mother of the Groom”, plus my 30 year high school reunion is a week later. Can you spell MOTIVATION? While walking I was going over things in my head when I started coaching myself, we life coaches do that sometimes…. “What’s going well in your life?” “I am Successful….I am a good mother to 5 amazing children, I am working doing what I love and am good at….” “I am Blessed….I have a roof over my head, food to eat, family, friends, Sunny the dog to walk with me, and a God who loves me….” “I have a healthy...

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A pigtail kinda day…

Posted by on Jul 20, 2011 | 0 comments

Do you ever notice if you get up and get going without showering that your day is more productive? I seem to find that to be true. It is not so much about the cleanliness or uncleanliness, it’s that you are uninterrupted. From the moment you wake, to the end of the day you stay on task and just keep moving. It doesn’t matter if what you have to do makes you dirty or sweaty, because you have not showered. It does not matter what you look like because these are the days you don’t care, you are focused. You can move faster in tennis shoes or flip flops than in heals…right? Clear head, dirty body…hum? Okay, well today was one of those days and...

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Walks, Singing, Sweaty Feet and Sundays…Bless the Lord Oh My Messy Soul!

Posted by on Jul 18, 2011 | 0 comments

Yesterday, I woke up and took Sunshine (the dog) for a walk…for some reason the song “Bless the Lord, Oh my soul….” was ringing in my head, so I sang it. The whole walk I just sang and sang.  It was a beautiful morning, breezy and cool, rare for July in Florida. “Bless the Lord, Oh my messy soul, and ALL that is within me, bless His Holy name….” you see I felt a bit messy this morning, but there is something wonderful about the fact that even though we are such beautiful, complicated messes, He loves us anyway, ALL of us, every part of us… and that deserves my praise, in the form of singing today of course. Then we headed...

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Cat’s got your tongue?

Posted by on Jul 13, 2011 | 1 comment

Meow, has it been a long time since I blogged. It’s not a cat, no it’s more like a good old summer storm! Summer hit….Kid’s home, Mission Trips, Break-ups, Wedding Prep, Work….Mixed in with showers of re-entry effect due to the mission trip (travel-jet lag, lessons learned and brought back, God stirring the ole pot of my heart…..) and possibly the start of the climb up the “menopausal mountain” (Dear God, do I have to make this climb?) Yes, the perfect summer storm. A few of the thoughts that have been swirling …. I was blessed with 3 big boys close together (2 littles too)….and yes, there are always moments of...

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One Body (Written while in Kenya, June 2011)

Posted by on Jun 22, 2011 | 0 comments

Since landing on Naivasha soil I have felt God’s powerful presence. He was here before us, He will be with us on our visit and He will be here after we are long gone. We didn’t bring Him with us, He was always here, we just came to do what He called us to do, and he prepared the way. What an amazing, loving, BIG God we have. Why do we make Him so small in our daily lives? All the faces I see, the hands I hold, shake, high five…. all the hugs, smiles, songs, conversations and laughs we share remind me that in Christ we are one person…. one body, all hungry and in need, just of different things. While worshiping with the Pastors here for a Leadership...

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Back roads, short cuts, wrong turns… I always think I know the way.

Posted by on May 24, 2011 | 0 comments

As I wrote yesterday about endings and beginnings, I started to ponder where we put God’s will in the midst of all the swirling changes that occur within our lives. This morning I read something about how we too often “baptize” our will and call it God’s. I have had my PhD in that at times. Doing what I want and praying for God to bless it! The funny thing about that is, he is not fooled. He knows our thoughts, motivations and the intentions of our hearts. Why is it then, when we are seeking God’s will, we really are more “self-focused” than “God-focused”? Sure we are human, selfish and want our way. But, in the end...

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